Coach Anj the Christian Biz Boss presents...

Operating in Overflow

How To Build Your Live Your Best Life And Best Business At The Same Time

A FREE, interactive workshop teaching Christian CEOs the scriptures, skills, and strategies to produce any vision in 90 days or less so they can maintain happiness at home while winning at work.

Thursday, Oct. 24

11am-1pm EST

Free for the first 50 30 people.

Who is this for?

Is this the right event for you?

  • Christian Business Owners

  • Mission-Based CEOs

  • Nonprofit Leaders

  • Faith Friendly Entrepreneurs

  • Any servant-leader who is ready to make the most of the resources God gave them, for the greatest level of service and impact, without sacrificing their personal life or burning out

21 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!"

Matthew 25:14

God was very clear in His instructions to us. As Christian business owners, we are meant to do great work to multiply what He gives us AND rejoice in His happiness while we succeed. 

So why has it become so common for Kingdom CEOs to settle for choosing one or the other?

Why have we normalized:

❌ Hitting high-income months only for things to start falling a part at home

❌ Working ourselves to burnout so we can justify a week with out families

❌ Choosing success in one are while totally sacrificing the other

❌ Or even worse, settle for mediocrity in both areas instead of risking failure while striving for more

Why have we become content with a tolerable business and life instead of an exceptional one?

Whatever the reason, it ends TODAY!

38 Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”

Luke 6:38

You are a natural born giver.

It’s why you started your business and why God called you to do so in the first place.

To provide service and impact to the world around you through your gifts.

And to find fulfillment in this service spiritually, emotionally, and financially.

But the ways of the world have convinced you to settle for one for the biggest counterfeits known to Spirit and man. 

That counterfeit is CHOICE. 

God never wanted you to choose between a flexible calendar or a full bank account...

...To pick between being tuned in with your family or tapped in with your kids...

...To see the fruit of your labor but never have the space to enjoy it...

...To sacrifice fulfillment in one world over success in the other...

Because here's what no one told you.

It is God’s law for you to receive an overflowing return in exchange for your time, talents, and treasures so that you can have it all.

It is your portion to work well, and serve well, and praise well, and live well, as you build an incredible life that becomes the evidence of what is possible through God. He positioned you with care to walk into a season of never ending overflow through your Christian business. 

And it’s time to see this promise fulfilled. 

The Operating in Overflow event was designed to teach you the balance secrets to shift out of settling and into receiving ALL of what God has for you!

That's what Operating in Overflow is all about.

Hear what past attendees have to say!

But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.

1 Corinthians 14:40

What is Kingdom Ops?

Kingdom Operations (Ops) is a bible-backed strategy for getting more, high-quality work done in your Christian Business, in less time, and with less energy. 

When you master the art of Kingdom Ops you can finally enjoy the flexibility and freedom that God has for you in your fruitful Christian Business.

During the Operating in Overflow event, I’m going to teach you the Kingdom Ops scriptures, skills, and strategies you need to finally experience the fullness of blessings that God has for your Christian Company AND your Christian life.

When you leave this workshop armed with the Kingdom Ops method …

You’ll understand where to actually invest your time, energy, and money for effortless success in your business.

You’ll see the overbearing meetings start to fade from your calendar, freeing up time for your loved ones, passion projects, and play.

You’ll watch as your income grows even as your effort melts away.

You’ll feel a sense of relief knowing you're not letting yourself, your team, your family, or your God down.

And you’ll finally have the finances, fulfillment, and free time that you've been working so hard for.

But all starts from the decision you make today.

“Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel 30 will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life.

Mark 10:29-30

What makes this event different from other webinars?

3 hours to raise the bar and the blessings in your life and business!

Operating in Overflow is SO MUCH MORE than the typical timeshare-style webinar with hours of surface-level content and a 24-hour only offer at the end. 

It is a curated co-working space that has been intentionally filled with serious CEOs who are ready to make a change in their operations for more impact and more overflow in their Christian Company.

No Fluff. No Filler. No Foolishness.

The event is designed to show the Kingdom Ops framework in action, getting you a 100-fold return on investment for out time spent together, so you can get high-value work done quickly and get back to your life .

It goes beyond simply sharing information deep into implementation to help you not only understand but start applying the concepts in real time. When you leave this crash course you'll know how to…

  • find and close leaks in your business to get capitalize on your past efforts

  • understand the untapped power of the resources you already have to achieve more with less 

  • Put systems in place to keep the work going without your active presence, mind, or energy

  • finally enjoy the flexibility and freedom that God has for you in your fruitful Christian Business

  • And you’ll apply what you learn in real time to leave the event in a better position than you came instead of feeling overwhelmed by your next step

Operating in Overflow is a chain-breaking, business-shaking, life-changing, powerhouse of a workshop that will change the way you operate in life and business forever.

But don’t take my word for it.

Hear straight from Christian coaches who have gone through the process for themselves.

11 You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. 12 This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.

2 Corinthians 9:11-12

What's the vibe of the Event?

Where biblical principles meet business best practices taught by your favorite Certified Ops Auntie, Coach Anj!

You can expect:

  • Hardhitting, relevant information on business operations, from a Christian lens, that you can apply for a real change in 7 days or less

  • Practical, step-by-step implementation of the new concepts

  • Hot seat coaching to get expert guidance in real time

  • Scripture and sound business sense to back up every strategy

  • Some hard truths

  • A few laughs

  • Aha moments

  • Radical accountability

  • Breakthrough clarity and

  • To leave with total understanding what it takes to create balance in your life as you build your Christian Company to the highest level God has for you!

19 And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

If you’re ready to experience peace AND increase in your Christian business then register for this action-packed workshop! 

If you’re ready to take back your time and your energy…

 ...And increase your capacity without increasing your effort.

If you’re ready to stop choosing and start receiving ALL of what God has promised you…

…And powerfully walk in your purpose.

If you’re ready to claim both heavenly wealth AND life fulfillment...

...While walking in the purest service God has for you…

Then click the button below to request your invitation to this exclusive event!

Hear reasons why people love our events!

Even so, I have noticed one thing, at least, that is good. It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them, and to accept their lot in life. And it is a good thing to receive wealth from God and the good health to enjoy it. To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life—this is indeed a gift from God.

Ecclesiastes 5:18-19

Frequently Asked Questions


We have several different event times for our event, so during the registration process we’ll get you connected with the one that works best for you.


This is a VIRTUAL training on Zoom.


Most people who find success at our events are Christian Business Owners, Mission-Based CEOs, Nonprofit Leaders, Faith Friendly Entrepreneurs, but really any servant-leader who wants to prioritize peace, balance, and bliss in their life without losing success or momentum in their business would be a great fit!


This training experience is unique because we will be doing breakout sessions during our time together so that you can network with other people in our community. This is also an implementation based training, which means you will be leaving with the work done instead of leaving with a checklist of things to do. And you may even get the chance for 1:1 coaching live during the session.


Nope! Your first training experience is completely complementary!


You cannot buy anything during this training. This training is going to be 100% value and implementation. But towards the end of the session if you want to learn more about how I can support you and your business you'll get the chance to hear more.


This is an action-based crash course with exercises, real-time resource, and hot-seat coaching. Meaning we’re actually going to do the work on the training, and you’ll get my feedback on what you create.


This event is my gift of service and gratitude to nurture those like yourself who do so much for others. It is a way for me to repay you for the service you give others and build your trust by getting you "results-in-advance." If it works out for you, then there’s a chance you might want to try one of my paid offers.

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Meet Coach Anj

The Christian Biz Boss

Anjanee Ferguson is an operations strategist and international executive coach who empowers Christian business owners to create total freedom through systems.

She believes servant-leaders deserve to make an impact AND create wealth without burning themselves out or compromising their beliefs.

Through online software and automation, Anjanee teaches purpose-driven entrepreneurs to run their Christian, nonprofit, and mission-based businesses from a place of ease and excellence and set themselves up for years of lasting success no matter how quickly or how large they grow.

Ampere Business Solutions LLC. All Rights Reserved. 2024

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